I Could Afford That / Classified Dreaming #5

It’s been a while since EngageSportMode browsed the adverts in search of possible used car bargains and beauties. Well, that’s a lie; ESM is always checking the classifieds, just in case, you know? Anyway, after that brief spell of good weather the other week, ICAT/CD’s attention has been turned towards convertibles this time. For some,…

I Could Afford That / Classified Dreaming #4

It’s been a while since the last episode of ICAT/CD, mainly due to actually going out and buying real cars. But having owned the Polo for less than a month, ESM is intrinsically drawn back to the classifieds like a proverbial moth. This edition is, like the ham in my sandwich today, distinctly Bavarian in flavour….

I Could Afford That / Classified Dreaming #3

Certain things cross the transatlantic divide rather well; television shows, rock music (I’m looking at you Springsteen) and a growing tendency to litigate over anything. Other things have tended to find the journey across the “pond” rather more difficult. Many of the products of Motor City have failed to make the adjustment to life in…

I Could Afford That / Classified Dreaming #2

If you’ve somehow managed to avoid all cardshops, department stores or Moonpig adverts recently, then you would’ve missed the fact it was Valentine’s day yesterday. Fortunately I did remember so I’m here to bring forth another installment of I Could Afford That/Classified Dreaming. To perpetuate a very tedious link (for which I apologise profusely) Italy…

I Could Afford That/Classified Dreaming – #1

Today brings a double-barrel of EngageSportMode goodness at either end of the automotive economic spectrum. So whether you’re scrimping by on £30k worth of benefits from your seven children, or if you’re Fred Goodwin, there’s something for everyone. Anyway, without further a topical money slur, let us proceed. I Could Afford That! The clue for this is…